Treasure Hunt

How Ikea, Costco & Tiger Use Unique Stores & Deals To Influence Your Purchasing

Hey Friends! What a week it has been right!

Today’s Must Reads Newsletter is packed with 1️⃣3️⃣ absolute must reads ➕1️⃣ must watch video. So grab your favourite beverage and get ready for brain food.

Dogs Computer GIF

Must Read Articles Of The Week

  1. Leader? 👩‍💼 Are you a business leader? But worry you’re not a great leader, here’s what makes a great business leader 

  2. Decision Document? 💯 Why a decision document will improve your business Many companies struggle with sharing important updates and decisions, here’s a way to break this bad cycle.

  3. The Branded Battle For Micro-mobility 🚴 - Porsche bikes why not? The 130% increase in bikes sales in 2020 has seen a huge increase in attention from large car manufacturers, especially large brands like Porsche.

  4. Travel Problems? ✈️ How the business of tourism has seen the world changed over the last 15 months.

  5. Privacy First Search? 🔦 How Neeva (newer search engine on the block) are going to charge subscriptions to remove ads and improve experience. Neeva (here’s a good podcast to listen to) aren’t brand new but trying to challenge Google with charging users subscriptions based on privacy and believe they can beat Google by offering better results with less ads? Do you think this will work?

  6. Hybrid Events Are The Future 🗣 Unbundling of the events business continues

  7. Trending On Twitter Explained: ℹ️ How the trending team writes the summaries and why they are so important.

  8. Culture Vs Business Why Adidas couldn’t revive Reebok 😮Adidas has been trying to sell off Reebok for a number of months, what is interesting is how Adidas couldn’t make reebok work, even with large drives into fitness and MMA, could a nostalgic buyer and play make reebok relevant again?

  9. Fast Spending: 🍟 How Fast Food Leverages human behaviour to increase spend  

  10. Better Boxes Or Different Pizza’s? 🍕 Why NYC pizzerias are changing how they make their pizzas to last longer vs buying better boxes. It’s always surprising that no one ever really stepped forward and improved the pizza box to deliver hot pizza vs having to change the way we bake pizza. Surely a startup will disrupt this space… 

  11. The Comeback: The Milkman is Back 🥛 In business there are three obvious elements to success, all comes under convenience: 1. save me time, 2. make my life easier, 3. easy to learn and use. The milk person does this.

  12. Everyday Good Microwave Meals? Anyday is building “gourmet” microwave meals. 🥘 Since the 1970s many have eaten numerous bad microwave meals every week, Anyday is smartly innovating, remember for 90% - convenience overtime every time.

  13. Let’s go Lego! Lego has had a stand out year 🧸When we see changes and forced shifts in behaviour, most people go back to nostalgia and memories, then introduce this item to the new generation to a family stable, Lego has won by using the 20-year cycle and…being timeless

  14. Why The Treasure Hunt Shopping Tactic Is Genius For Costo 🌭 BONUS: Do you trust online reviews? More specifically Google reviews? As I have preached a number of times, be more sceptical, Which investigation undercovered some important insights on how many reviews are faked, good and bad.

As the person who used to buy the treats for his department, this new yorker cartoon tickled me

Quote Of The Week “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” — Albert Einstein

🗣If you have enjoyed today’s newsletter, please copy and paste to your teams slack or teams channel so your colleagues can enjoy and suggest they subscribe. Thanks!

Thanks for reading Must Reads today, have a great weekend.

Danny Denhard Let’s connect on Twitter Or LinkedIn

The Must Reads newsletter is your weekly brainfood filled with Must Read Articles. It takes me a couple of hours every week to find, quality check & to create your favourite weekly newsletter. About My Work: I am on a mission to fix the broken world of work with Focus. Happily email me for consultancy.