Must Reads 239

The Good, Bad & Ugly Internet πŸ‘€

Good Morning Must Readers!

Thanks again for opening and reading Must Read this week! Grab your favourite caffeinated beverage and let’s dive in.

Newsletter #239 has ten hand-curated must reads stories with my unique insights and commentary, this week's newsletter includes these 5 standouts: (1) how to build trust and connection after a mass layoff, (2) why workfleuncers cause so much annoyance,(3) the world cup ad dramas, (4) handling friendship breakups, (5) the best Christmas presents.

Fondly Remembering Simpler Times πŸ‘‡

Must Read Stories Of The Week

Work Must Reads

> Why Mental Health Cannot Be A Perk Anymore ❗️- So many companies struggle with mental health and how to manage it and support their team away from an app download or a few free therapy sessions. Here's how you move it from a being just a job spec perk.

Must Read Of The Week 

> The 9 Actions To Take After Layoffs ⚠️ - Recent news has been dominated by layoffs (121k and counting in 2022 via but companies aren't taking the right actions. Here are the essential 9 steps to win and help your business reset and build the right company culture.

> The Impact Of The "Workfluencer" - I have to admit I remember when I worked full time the notion of posting on LinkedIn and Twitter under my own personal brand was often made fun off but now it is becoming many people's identity and it is causing a negative impact on their colleagues and friends. Tip: Despite what a lot of experts will say, don't waste an opportunity to get your profile viewed and create some positive attention on you and your work.

> Amazon Drones 2.0 πŸ“¦  - In a week where Amazon announced 10000 would be laid off they have also pushed out the new design of the drones they use for deliveries in a few states. Amazon is super smart at PR and knowing whatever they push out they will make headlines but it is about time the media question how influential Amazon drone delivery is and how are other companies going to use similar tech.

> Lackluster Livestreams πŸ“² - In Asia livestreams are incredibly popular, in the Western World the anyone's approach to QVC is underwhelming and I am not surprised, why? Because live streams are supposed to drive urgent action in the Western World we haven't culturally changed and we research a lot more than you think. Despite what TikTok and Instagram ads suggest we aren't taking action against brands we don't know and people we barely trust.

> World Cup Ads 🍟- The World Cup is upon us and it is causing a lot of conversation for sponsors, some have embraced it others have kept a low profile until the tournament starts. A tip I gave to a coaching client, be very careful of newsjacking the world cup and being associated with the fallout.

> FTX Saga Explained Video πŸ’΄ - If you are struggling to understand bitcoin, blockchain web3 etc and the latest scam and FTX saga, this short video is a great way of understanding it and this longer form video is a great way of explaining it.

Life Must Reads

> 8 Habits Of Calm People 😎 - How many do you have? Be confident and comfortable in busy situations is often the most undervalued skill of anyone, particularly in a leadership role (from experience of course)

> Why Friendship Breakups Are Harder Than Partner Breakups πŸ’” - So many people overlook the impact that a friendship breakup has, especially when you have trusted this person for years. Just remember love is love and you might just need to drop them a message to reconnect or formally breakup.

Ending this weeks newsletter with a happy internet story of one night best friends and reconnecting years later ⬇️

Go and have a great weekend and if you want to chat about stories just hit reply!

Thanks, Danny Denhard