Must Reads 221

Ross, A New Dinosaur?

Good Morning Must Readers! Hey friends, welcome to Must Reads Number 221. Today's Must Read is around a 4 minute read today, enjoy!  

Special thanks to those who brought me thank you coffee, much appreciated! πŸ˜€ 

Last week I went to the RA - if you’re in and around London it’s well worth a visit. Watch the reel to see more art.  Please no more 28c+ weather in London πŸ™ 

Tired Of Bad Results & People Leaving You?!? Are you constantly looking at your marketing and growth and wondering why it's not landing? You are not alone! I am helping Heads of Marketing all the way up to CEOs, helping to coach them and their teams. I call it coaching for leaders. If you’re a CMO needing coaching, or a founder needing help, email me for leadership & marketing coaching (πŸ“§ [email protected]

Must Read Stories Of The Week

Work Must Reads

Are You Being Misled By In-Person Performance? 🎭 - Are you back in the office and seeing the same ol-people rewarded? In-person definitely rewards the performative 

Read More β¬†οΈ The Difference Between A Mentor, A Sponsor & A Coach πŸ‘ 

Would You Get A Treadmill Desk?πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ- Interesting look at how a perk like a treadmill desk might improve work and obviously your health. Personally, I think it's a good idea but can't beat a walk in nature, you have to get out of your environment!

What Marketers Can Do With The End Of Third Party Cookies πŸͺ - I make comment on why first and zero party data will be key to wean off third party cookies

Android Lock Screen Ads πŸ“² - In the stupid announcement of the week, in the US Android users will be served ads on their Lock Screen (yes this is already popular in Asia) when you are using an advertising engine’s OS, you will be under their influence. Will this be an apple win, maybe! 

πŸ‘† Will the new LCD point of sale (on the right hand side) work or will it just blend in? 

TikTok Content Levels πŸ”ž- PG Levels coming to TikTok? To help make the 'app safer', TikTok is being inspired by movie ratings. FWIW This won't help their cause when their content is re-reviewed and deemed to be more adult than they deem. Remember content moderation at scale (and rating it) is so difficult!  

Mad Stat Of The Week 🎾 : Wimbledon uses over 55,000 balls in the two weeks tournament. Includes 1,700 balls over on the practice courts. FWIW It was one of the best tournaments in years!  

Life Must Reads

A New Giant Dinosaur Found πŸ¦– - A new giant (bigger the T-Rex) dinosaur called β€˜Meraxes Gigas’ was discovered and it had tiny arms too, leading to many more questions for Palaeontologists than answers.

Dolphins Select Their Own Names 🐬- Dolphins are smart, so smart they create their own name via a unique sound

Great Whites Might Not Always Be White 🦈 - In a new finding, the world's biggest predator actually changes their colour when hunting 

Are New Towns Going To Pop Up To Encourage Remote Work? πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» - I have been targeted with ads from Portugal, Barcelona and Malta in the last few weeks and there is a good movement in the US to build out smaller cities to accommodate the move to embrace remote. Would you move to a new city?

How To Tackle A Mountain Of Tasks βœ”οΈ - Nice explainer of how to get through a huge to do list and how to focus ahead

Food For Thought πŸ”: Netflix has over 3 million searches made (inside of the apps & site) every day. It’s not all newsfeed and native recommendations. Think of search to watch ratio on Netflix vs Amazon Prime vs Disney+ (my bet is on Disney+ to win that race).    

Well Worth A Watch

Pepsi Fan Breaks World Record With Over 12k Unique Cans. Brands Embrace The Superfan!! 

Thanks for reading Must Reads - Hit forward in your email to help Must Reads grow πŸš€ 

Ever wanted to pick my brains? I have 1 slot left for July, read about my pick a brain calls here

Thanks for reading must reads again this week, go have a great weekend!