πŸ€• Facebook have bigger issues...

Than 3 second view counts 😳

Hey, thanks for dropping by this week. This week I am going to go for a shorter more condensed newsletter, the news has been dominated by Facebook as per usual, thanksgiving and Black Friday were record breakers, LinkedIn is testing stories format (queue the madness) and studies show music is becoming more repetitive.


πŸ‘€ How lies and fake news have been growing (and gone undetectable) in Facebook Groups - Link πŸ€— But brands are developing dedicated Facebook Groups, needing to develop deeper connection - Link

πŸ“Ή Views: Octobers most viewed channels in the UK was launched on Monday and pretty sure there is a pattern here (hint Facebook 3 second views) - Link

😬 How Facebook brought dirty PR into tech - Link

🍩 TFL (the tube in London) have banned advertising of unhealthy and sugary foods - Link

πŸ“΅ Mobile free zone coming to a concert near you - LinkAfter being at comedy gigs and being told you cannot take or record, it does hinder your experience.

πŸ₯€How Dirty Lemon is building the brand to disrupt the beverage industry - Link

πŸ™ƒ Good article on how Buzzfeed is looking to be acquired (or partner) to challenge Facebook and Google (and what it means for platforms and future of online) - Link 

🀨 PR agencies allowed PR to become a dirty word and apparently are paying the price for it - LinkMy 2c, PR is coming under the microscope like all other disciplines and since it has been placed in under marketing or under the CEO in most large organisations they want to feel there is ROI and see results, PR & comms agencies have always struggled to prove they know what and how their efforts has really impacted the companies bottom line.

πŸ‘ 30 brands who kill it on social media - Link

πŸ“ How Sainsburys used local data for hyper personalised content and discounts - Link

🀳 Just what we need: LinkedIn is testing out stories (format) - Link

πŸ’― I also attended the Digital Transformation conference this week (I often speak at their events here is a link to my recent talk) but two talks stood out for me, the first was Bruce Daisley (Twitter EMEA People lead), he spoke about culture and the psychology of the work place (his podcast series is brilliant) pre order his book the joy or work. The second was more the incredible daily stats from the Daily Mail:

  • 600 journalists

  • 1500 articles

  • 560 videos

  • 19500 images per day

Next time you are on a tube or train, see how many people are reading the DM online or flicking through their app.

Something else to marvel at, there has been over 33 million views of the new Lion King in just three days on Twitter alone:


😀 Insights into Amazon’s Black Friday impact on their staff - Link

🀜 Funnily enough this is how Buzzfeed and New York Times builds up all year round for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals - Link

🎧 Podcast: How the Twitch CEO thinks about tech addiction and co-streaming - Link

πŸ›’ Creative Brexit shop selling branded items for crazy prices on black Friday - Link

😳 Mark Zuckerberg is done apologising and likely coming back on the the offence - Link

🎹 Music is getting more repetitive - Link

πŸ“±Thanksgiving was a record breaker and 1/3 comes from mobile - Link

⏰ Time management tips from Google - Link

🎧 Must listen to podcast: Kara Swisher and Professor Scott Galloway call for a Facebook board shake up - Link

🎧 Here is another good Ycombinator podcast with Brian Donohue from Instapaper and his transition into Pinterest (and what the future holds)

Good watches

This week we had our JustGiving awards, it was a magical evening and something I was very proud to be apart of, here are a couple of videos from the evening including Β£6m donated from anonymous movement called charity ninjas!

Last week was the most successful week of the newsletter to date, well over 50% of you opened the newsletter, 95% of the stories shared were clicked and read and had a number of new sign ups. So thank you.

Remember you can always comment on the newsletter and let me know what you think or the stories you love or hated or you can always submit stories by emailing me [email protected]