Advice Or Feedback

207 - At your highest moment, be careful. That's when the devil comes for you

Good Morning Must Readers 👋

It’s the 207th Must Reads newsletter.

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading today’s Must Reads!

Are you ready for the future of work meetings? Holograms?

This week’s edition of must-read has 11 stories to enjoy and a video dedicated to how New York City operates

Must Read Stories Of The Week

For Work

PERFORMANCE PANEL 📈 When you’re struggling you need help, here’s an idea to help you and your team/department/company, a performance panel - Link

ANTI CANCEL CULTURE CONSULTANT 🤕 This will be an eye opening read for most company heads or department leads who are struggling between wanting to be firm and direct vs upsetting their team (not all people are just snowflakes), there’s specialists that will come help - Link 

BOOK SHOP GROWTH 📚I have shared about the power of booktok, but are we seeing nostalgia (maybe a little combo on You on Netflix & the pandemic) and the power of disconnecting all connecting to drive book shop growth? Yes and despite Amazon shutting their 4star stores, I can see more brands getting into experience stores like book shops - Link

ASK FOR ADVICE 💭 Don’t ask for feedback, ask for…advice - Video Link 

8 BIT 👾I love it when companies use nostalgia and old school reminders to influence their current marketing and product efforts, including this smart campaign from Intel, Pixel Pat - Link

For life

HOW DEAF DJS ARE RIPPING UP DANCEFLOORS & REWRITING THE RULES 💯This is such a great read on how deaf dj’s are changing the way clubbers feel the music - Link

ROBOT PROTECTION 🤖Why Pompeii is being protected by Boston Dynamics somersaulting robots and what this could mean for more tourist spots - Link

WHY ART TRANSFORMS 💭 I previously mentioned in MR’s how much I relied upon art in lockdowns and going to see galleries and exhibitions completely reset my mind, here’s the science and importance explained beautifully - Link 

ONE MAN’S MISSION TO SAVE IMPORTANT SEA LIFE 🪸 You likely have heard about the great barrier reef and the battle to save it. There is a man on mission to rebuild the coral in the ocean and has his lives mission. Incredible story on sea life and why this mission might just be a turning point - Link

AI BEE KEEPING 🐝 Bees have featured a lot on M-R’s, in Israel Beewise a tech startup is helping to protect and grow bee colonies and beehives to ensure the best possible outcomes. - Link

THE REASON WHY EVERYONE IS ACTING WEIRD 😷 I was sure this was a London thing but seems like everyone is acting strangely and the reason the pandemic - Link 

Short Form Videos Of The Week (Click to watch) 

Wellness Report: Friend of Must Reads Jo Twiselton has released a great report making people's wellbeing focus on organisation change, I was part of the report and it’s a great read and very actionable - Download Link » Listen to Jo talking to me about the impact of coaching and helping businesses for over two decades. 

Well Worth The Watch

Why NYC is powered by steam and why it is so important to New York 🗽

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