💳 Are you the 80% or 20% 💵

Is digitised money going to be an issue?

FRIYAY - Am I right?

🤔 Weekend Thought Starter 🤔

Are we living in the algorithmic age? Are we living under the control of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google? If it were all to change one night, would we miss the infinite scrolling? If it were all to cease to filter would be overwhelmed with too much content by our friends, family and the stranger we choose to follow (sound creepy)? I’m starting to think we wouldn’t miss it…Let me know what you think

🤩 This Weeks Must Reads 🤩

🙋‍♂️ Business & Culture 🙋‍♀️

👗Pop Couture Alert: Ralph Lauren teamed up with Rachel Green (thanks for the heads up @theldndiaries)

📲 Tech 📲

🛴Lime celebrated 100m rides this week - the “last mile” is going to be a great space to keep an eye on.

🕵️‍♂️ Amazon has come under fire again about its internal search and prioritising their product or profitable products first. Do you care?

🧀 I have been a long time fan of Cheddar and I regularly share their content, in this podcast The Information founder and Cheddar founder discuss Cheddar, their sale and the media landscape (including TV and streaming subs)

🤔 What do you think about this gambling ad? I predict it will be taken down 

Remember you can always submit a Must Read, discuss any stories, provide me feedback, just reach out with a thought-starter or final thought.

Thanks Danny DenhardThe Obvious Disclaimer ~All views are my own, apart from if you click a link, then that’s the authors and publications. Image credit - Twitter // Gif credit - Giphy (where else)