Must Reads 262

>> How The Money Flows

Good Morning Must Readers, let’s dive straight in

  • Ai: Some artists are already leveraging Ai smartly and embracing the change early

  • App Stores: Apple have once again taken inspiration from their App Store to offer their own apps (especially around their own mental health mission)

  • Voice: In our personal and work lives some of us have embraced voice notes, the question will be how much can this scale and it is a feature we will all use or be ok with a divide if improves our lives

  • Animals x Tech: How Parrots are making friends over FaceTime, yes FaceTime

  • Diet: How diet and food literacy is finally becoming more mainstream helping all generations improve their health

>> The Ten Essential Leadership Questions To Ask Each Other This Week πŸ”Ÿ - The essential questions you should ask your fellow leaders this week to improve your connection.

>> Ai Awareness & Intelligence via chartr

>> Ai Remix πŸ₯- In a smart move Grimes (the music artist) has suggested that any of her fans can remix her songs and use her voice and make 50% cut of the commission. What is smart is leveraging the hundreds of music creators leaning into Ai and then getting ahead of the Drake and The Weeknd issues of using a ghost writer and a beat that didn't exist and not being able to control the music or make money from it. Grimes embracing natural behaviour (thanks to TikTok and new apps) and new tech will have to be the future is independent artists can own this. Fwiw get ready to get sick of hearing pivot to Ai. It’s going to be Q2-Q4 phase replacing year of efficiency.

++ Game Time ++ Which popular mobile game (app) brand recently hit over 5b global downloads (A) Angry Birds πŸ¦… (B) Pokemon Go πŸ”Ž (C) Clash of Clans πŸ”« (D) Candy Crush 🍬 (Apologises for missing game time last week)

>> What HR Is Doing To Improve Work 🀨 - HR is often given a bad rap, it can only guide companies in the actions to ensure they are covered, what many don't see is how they try and drive change for the company and the teams. Some HR execs are power hungry some are just hungry to make positive change

>> Apple Eating Others Lunch Again πŸ€” - Apple have been accused on numerous occasions of reviewing whats popular in the App Store or common themes in apps and creating their own. It's common practise but Apple comes under attack because of how they can make or break apps by releasing their own. We are going to see this as long as mobiles are still the form factor that hooks us in constantly. One side note - Apple is smart in connecting its apps, iOS and mission around enabling users to become healthier and journaling is a core part of many users day, why not offer something light weight.

>> Voice Notes πŸ’¬ - They divide opinion but voice notes are becoming more and more popular. You either love them or hate them and over the last four years they have become more popular, in chat apps, in work instant messenger apps (underused feature for any company using daily stand ups and needing to update quickly very writing) and in dating apps. The product integrations are interesting for voice notes as they come around every few years but with audio being personal we will continue to see voice as a product feature for many years to come. Expect voice notes to be training data for personal wikis and personal Ai's in the near future.

>> FoodTok πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ - One of my favourite guilty pleasures is watching chefs cook on short form video, wok based cooking is extremely popular. In the near future we will see more breakout chefs appear on TV shows based on super short videos

>> Why The 5️⃣ Hour Rule Is So Important - Something I have recently learnt about is the 5 hour rule and turning a bad day to a productive day by reframing and ensuring you take part in important activities to ensure you feel like you've been productive. My hour a day learning experiment is part of the 5 hour rule and something that can help you tackle next week in a productive way.

>> How The Music Industry Changed From 90's To The Future 🎹 (a great conversation between Logan Bartlett a well known VC and New media owner company Trapital and Music analyst Dan Runcie) -

>> Here's how I create must reads every week and think about creating the best newsletter to keep you informed for the future ahead

>> How To Wander πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ - How wandering is great to help us slow down and give us a different perspective of things going on in our mind

>> Parrots Video Calls & Friendships 🦜- An incredible read, parrots are taught how to make videos calls and they make friends

>> The Importance Of Nuts 🌰- A few years ago I paid for a full body MOT and the results were enlightening, the nurse gave me so maybe brilliant pieces of advice, especially around bad and not so bad oils. One surprising piece of advice was have a handful of unsalted nuts, with walnuts (podcast explains why), almonds (for joints) and pecans are known for health benefits. Well worth digging into the power of nuts with longevity becoming such an important theme for many companies and billionaires.

++ Answer Time ++ The answer is A angry birds who were recently acquired by Sega.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.

Danny Denhard - Want me to help you further? I am a coach, advisor & consultant, get in touch by hitting reply