The year we were forced to virtually meet more, IM more, create more docs & burnout out quicker šŸ˜”

Hey Must Readers! Had a good week?

Todayā€™s Must Reads Newsletter hasĀ 14Ā brilliant must reads you have unlikely seen or read from your newsfeed. Ā New: This week I introduce a new 5 tool recommendations section from friends of must reads. If you are keen to share your 5 tools please email me.

Must Read Articles Of The WeekĀ 

  1. šŸ˜¬ Microsoftā€™s latest analysis shows that the last year has hit us hard, with more chats +45%, 148% more meetings, 66% more docs. - Read the full story or watch the Microsoft InterviewThis is why I am on a mission to fix the broken world of work and helping businesses build the right hybrid office and arena style workplaces.Ā 

  2. The four questions to ask to improve your business šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’¼ Knowing how to improve your business with fewer questions but more pressing questions is essential, the 4 will drive your business to improve - Read the full story

  3. The 5 leadership lessons from industry leaders that will help you on your leaderā€™s journey šŸ’Ŗ - Read the full story

  4. Why sharing your wins (over self-promotion) is so vital in this remote-first working world šŸ‘‹ - Read the full story

  5. Why it is always ok to have no career ambition šŸ˜€ This is a refreshing take by Tina Fey - Read the full story

  6. Is being objective the secret to owning imposter syndrome? šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø

  7. The fingerprints of photography šŸ“ø Why metadata behind photos are so important for the real world & the increasing fake world - Read the full story

  8. How & Why Amazon Music is stepping up its merch game šŸŽµ Amazon has really ramped up its music product and offering one-click merchandise is going to smart to gain trust within music and artists - Read the full story

  9. The selfie is not new, especially the nude selfie šŸ¤³ How looking into the past helps to inform the present. We have to remember very few ideas or concepts are fresh or brand new, selfies are no different - Read the full storyĀ 

  10. An alternative look at money vs bitcoin šŸ’° And why many people do not understand the value and potential of bitcoin - Read the full story

  11. The complicated world of designing and training 911 (999 šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§) operators šŸ‘®ā€ā™€ļø

  12. Why Fashion is betting big on people wanting to be glamourous šŸ‘—Right now I would see a small % want to get glammed up, the rest have mostly loved living in sweatpants and being comfortable! Letā€™s see if Vogue etc are right. - Read the full story

  13. Embroided sculptures of everyday items šŸ„¤

  14. How the notepad had a breakout 2020 and how it is positively impacting lives šŸ“ - The humble notepad is now a form of therapy, anti-anxiety and adding healthy rituals to all ages - Read the full story

Video āÆ The Cult of (We) Adam - How WeWork & Their Propaganda Make & Broke Them... FYI WeWork lost $3.2 billion in 2020 šŸ˜¬ You know I will be watching this. If podcasts are more of your thing, wecrashed is incredible

šŸŽ‰ Iā€™m Hiring! For two roles: Head of Marketing & SEO Exec, both roles are UK remote and for a hyper growth company.

Five Tools Recommended: This is going to be a regular slot where friends of Must Reads, recommend the tools they use and recommend every day. The first comes recommendation from Mehul Garg, Mehul is known for being the on-demand CMO with D2C brands and offers his recommendations into project and comms tools:

  1. Asana - for project management and collab

  2. Teams - Communication

  3. Gmail - Correspondence

  4. Zoom/Hangout - Video Calls and ConferencingĀ 

  5. Miro - Group Ideation

Quote Of The Week:Ā ā€œEither you run the day or the day runs you.ā€ ā€” Jim Rohn

Thanks for reading Must Reads today, have a great weekend.Ā 

Danny DenhardĀ Letā€™s connect onĀ TwitterĀ OrĀ LinkedIn

TheĀ Must Reads newsletterĀ is your weekly brainfood filled with Must Read Articles.Ā It takes me a couple of hours every week to find, quality check & create your favourite weekly newsletter.Ā Ā About My Work:Ā I am on aĀ mission to fix the broken world of workĀ withĀ Focus.Ā Ā Happily email me for consultancy, I offer business advisory, executive mentorship and coaching.

PS Listen To The Podcast: Last week I spoke with Ash Taylor on his podcast hitting the wall, we spoke about how to be a better leader, how to improve company culture and why connections are so important.Ā šŸŽ§Ā Give it a listenĀ šŸŽ§